Friday, July 18, 2008

Secret Invasion: The Set List?

A reasonably solid report arose today concerning the full set list for next Wednesday's Secret Invasion set.

I've split them up into the ones that were revelations du jour, those we knew were coming thanks to mentions in the Fantastic Four starter set rulebook, and those we've had full reveals on.

The ones listed as a character and then a Skrull version are reportedly the same sculpt, but with different dials, coming with a tri-fold card with both the regular and Skrull info. No word yet on how relatively rare the Skrull and regular versions are, but the gist seems to be that the Skrull versions may be true chase elements. Fucking Wizkids bloodsuckers. Whatever their rarity, the dials will be marked a and b following their number in the set, marked on the dial in the KO slot directly before the first click, designating which card to use with them.

The only other notes to make at this juncture is that the person who reported on this case said that there was no set poster and no set list in the boosters, and that the case only had BFCs and Feats as 6th element items in the boosters. On that last point, if true, this means either some absolutely horrible collation or they've kept Event Dials, bystanders and special objects out of this set, save for the Event Dials they'll be using as prizes for some events.

Arachne - Those strange people who've been waiting years to recreate the original Secret Wars will now be able to do so.
Captain Mar-Vell/Skrull Captain Mar-Vell - I'm going to be interested to see how this one's laid out.
Dum Dum Dugan/Skrull Dum Dum - As with Sharon Carter, I'm going to be interested to see how adaptable the piece is in terms of point cost and utility for use as a generic SHIELD agent -- presumably of some higher rank.
Hawkeye - This is the new, female version, who's part of the ill-named Young Avengers. We've seen the sculpt and card - so far so good. She and Wiccan will likely be the only two, really capable Young Avengers. The array of powers (both close and ranged combat) seen on the card has me thinking that a second one of these might end up with a Clobberin' Time Hawkeye glued onto the base.
Hercules - I'd reconciled myself to not seeing him until next February's Hammer of Thor set!
Human Torch - This is Jim Hammond, the Golden Age Torch, one of the original Invaders, at long last! Finally - especially along with the excellent, new Namor in this set - the original, core Invaders can be fielded.
Jarvis - Hey, if DC can have Alfred as a figure, why not? I was slightly surprised this one didn't come as a duel-purposed human and Skrull version, but upon quick reflection it would be difficult to come up with a single point value to cover the game impact of each of the two versions.
Morbius - Hopefully it'll be a solid piece, if for no other reason than it'll quiet down the ones who've been groaning about his absence so far, especially from Mutations and Monsters.
Psycho-Man - Another of the FF's foes going back to the Lee & Kirby era!
Tarantula - This is the current, female one.
Thor Girl - Terrible name and a fairly forgettable character. Hopefully it'll be a nice sculpt and a good dial, though.
Triton - In one form or another, this completes the Royal Family of the Inhumans... though Black Bolt, Medusa and Lockjaw are retired, and at least Medusa needs a serious overhaul from the original version.
Yellowjacket/Skrull Yellowjacket - Will we finally get a suitably clever and capable Hank Pym?

Rulebook mentions; still waiting for info:

Adam Warlock - Will we finally be getting the more powerful, truly cosmic version?
Clea - I'm going to keep my expectations low, since most of her time while on Earth saw her as a fairly minor magician.
Dr Octopus - I'm looking for some style and utility.
Elektra/Skrull Elektra
Energizer - Power Pack makes its debut, like it or not.
Gee - Another Power Pack kid.
Goliath - Apparently this is Bill Foster.
Gravity - Eh.
Immortus - Could be very cool, could be lame. Only Seth knows.
Iron Fist - We've seen the sculpt and card already. The card has us expecting something similar to the Fantastic Forces version -- very cool -- but the sculpt is a newer, stripped-down version.
Kristoff - Another Doomesque piece.
Lightspeed - Another Power Pack kid.
Malice - This is the Sue Richards version.
Mass Master - The last of the Power Pack kids.
Ms. Marvel/Skrull Ms Marvel: Let's see if she finally gets her due.
Ringmaster - Hopefully he won't be lame. Sure, he should be easy to harm, but hopefully he won't be useless.
Sharon Carter - How will Agent 13 fare? Moreso than with Dum Dum Dugan I'm hoping she'll do double-duty as a generic SHIELD agent. Update: She's a 50-pt. piece starting with a SP granting her Running Shot and Stealth. No stellar stats - max Damage of 2 and AV of 9, though she has a special form of Perplex that only lets her affect herself or friendlies, but she can't use it on Damage. All in all, she could be a reasonable, if a tad expensive, SHIELD generic in a pinch.
She-Thing - Another terrible name, though to be fair she was officially known as Ms. Marvel (II) during most of that time. Still, I became fond of Sharon Ventura during her stint with the Fantastic Four.

...and the ones we already have the details on:
Atantean Warrior
Grey Gargoyle
Captain America
Iron Man
Mole Man
Dr Strange
Howard the Duck
Cloak and Dagger
Super-Skrull X-Men
Skrull Emperor
Power Man and Iron Fist (Duo)
Impossible Man
Super Skrull Avengers
Nick Fury
Spider Woman

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I was at my local comic store today, watching the other Heroclix regulars open up their cases (as I can't bring myself to plunk down that kind of cash, I'll wait and try to get some things in sealed events I want, and either trade for the rest or buy other players' extras), and so I got to see how their playing this Skrull/normal version.

There are two different bases. They each show two team abilities (Avengers/Skrull for a Ms. Marvel, for example), and different powers and stats. The only way to tell which one you have is to check the last click before the green line. If there's a small Skrull symbol there, it's the Skrull, and you can only use Skrull team ability. If there isn't, it's the "real" one, and you have to use their other team ability. I'm not real happy that the figures look identical, regardless of which version, since I would have preferred a Ms. Marvel without a Skrull chin. Maybe I can glue the Critical Mass Warbird on there in its place.

Based on what I saw, I don't you'll get the Adam Warlock you wanted. His only attack power is Steal Energy, and he has zero move/attack powers.

You know the Hank Pym I'd like to see? The Dr. Pym from Engelhart's West Coast Avengers. Where he didn't change size, he just carried a variety of tools in his red flight suit he could enlarge and use. With special powers that allow for the possibility of a character having many different powers, they could really represent a scientist that had a tool for almost every occasion.
That's one of the problems of just going off on a rant and then leaving it while information's still coming in. As we've since seen, the Skrull variants appear to be in equal proportion to their non-Skrull versions. Who made the decision to give them all (except for Dum Dum Dugan) Skrull appearances is a moron, though. It makes no sense for them to look like Skrulls, since the Skrulls are attempting to pass as those people, and there's no reason for humans to look like that. Regardless, Skrull or Human they share the same base and sculpt, varying only on their dials. On the plus side, each of the Skrull versions has the "Spy" keyword and is wilier and generally more aggressive than the character it's impersonating, so I could see running them not as Skrulls but as the real deal under tougher circumstances. The Skrull TA is really, at it's core, just another game mechanic.

Unfortunately, we've also seen that Skrull versions of Spider-Woman and Sue Richards are in as pieces 100 & 99, respectively, and are chase pieces I hate chase pieces. They're tiny, plastic, concentrated packets of ill will.

The Adam Warlock in this set is a bit of a surprise, I'll admit. I didn't expect Mind Control to feature so prominently (if at all.) In general we seem to be getting Seth's interpretation of Warlock as a calculating leader. Leadership, Perplex and Support on his first four clicks is solid, though, and it's all the better since he can choose to use that Perplex as a +2/-2 on any stat except Damage; now that Perplex persists until the start of that player's next turn this becomes especially potent. At 160 points he's just past half of a 300 pt team, though, and with what we have so far under Infinity Watch he and Gamora can't fit a third character into that point build.

That Hank Pym would be interesting, though I don't know how well he'd suit many tastes. It's a bit like Felix the cat and his magic bag. Being able to pull almost anything out of a pocket and enlarge it for use becomes a lazy device for a writer and could be difficult to translate as a power without it devolving into lengthy text. Consider that he might produce anything from medical supplies to a quinjet to some sort of ionic cannon.

I'm not entirely displeased with the dial we've gotten for 100 points. A click of Leadership, three of Perplex, and three of Outwit allows him to be a Brilliant Tactician for and Avengers, Scientist or West Coast Avengers team. We're at least seeing more signs of intellect here than we were previously seeing -- his zombie version was, unfortunately, the cleverest we'd seen before this aside from the Ant Man versions in Supernova.

He leads with a click of Incapacitate, then gets four of Super Strength as he has the option to become a Giant and can also Charge. I'd have preferred him set up to also have the option to effectively become tiny, though the final two clicks of Super Senses and Leap/Climb might be seen as a loose approximation of that, though the 15 Defenses there at the end aren't so hot. Getting the Dremel out to reshape his chin and some Caucasian flesh tones to mod him into a human form is definitely in the cards. If I had a second Giant Man sculpt from Avengers I'd be tempted to transplant it to an extra one of these (and as he's a Common, I'm expecting to have a couple), too, even though the Incap and 8 range wouldn't be quite right there.

My order's supposedly out on a truck right now, to be delivered sometime today, so I expect to be digging in sometime this evening.

Wish me luck.
I think the key with the Pym I was thinking of would be to use the special powers to let him choose between multiple powers (say, he could use Incap, or Psychic Blast, or Energy Explosion, but just one at a time, since he'd have to pull a different tool out, and concentrate on enlarging it). That would give the option of using him as more of an attacker, or maybe a support piece, depending on your needs. But there's definitely a potential for abuse.

Yellowjacket isn't my favorite Hank Pym iteration, but they did create a pretty solid piece, that's for sure. I like that 3 damage the length of the dial.

I should have also mentioned I'm really happy to see a new Hercules, one that looks pretty seriously powerful. I'm unclear about something, though. Can you use Flurry, where the first attack is with an object? I know Herc gets that power where he can carry two, but only use one at a time, but could he (if he only had one object) use that, then launch a second close combat attack?

Either way, he's going on my Champions team when I get ahold of him.
All understood on the Pym front. Yeah, I could definitely see the PAC options under a SP. It's really something he's due. All it took were some later writers coming along for whom the alpha and omega of Hank was that mental breakdown that resulted in him hitting Jan, and thereafter he was "wifebeater." Completely unfair, and one of the things Kurt Busiek labored to overcome during his time on AVENGERS (including some elements of AVENGERS FOREVER), but apparently it's for naught given what passes for editorial muster at Marvel.

As for Herc, to the best of my knowledge those are compatible. So, if he has a couple objects and the opportunity presents itself, he should be able to Charge and Flurry using one object in each of the attacks. Ladies and gentlemen, the Prince of Power has arrived! If one can work up a TK assist for him that could represent a devastating gun.

If he's spotted on the field I'll be interested to see how often opponents will decide to use an attack or two just destroying objects pre-emptively. I suppose much the same goes for Namor and the Thing, among others.

In terms of game mechanics and the recent rules changes, I'm going to be very interested to see how close combat pieces fare now.
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