Monday, July 14, 2008


On the Maps

This is a completely unsolicited plug post for a friend who's formally phasing himself out of Heroclix for a combination of reasons not mine to go into here. It's very easy to recall how enthusiastic he once was about the game (though never so much about the official rules, prompting him to expend great efforts on alternate rules for home games) that it's a little sad to see all this going. It wasn't a decision he came to easily, but he came to it firmly and rationally, and I'd like to see it go well for him especially as it should also be to the benefit of the clix-playing buyer.

I'm not allowed to plug such things over on HCRealms, but I can do what I wish here, so I wanted to point out the excellent deal he currently has running on ebay, which has a bit less than two days to go.

The bidding is only up to $10.50 plus shipping as of this posting, and as this includes such a wonderful assortment of items a clix player might be looking for I'd hate to see it go by unnoticed. A mix of maps, 3D objects and bystander tokens that would take some hunting to locate and would cost far more than the current bid price and shipping to acquire.

Granted, most of the choice items are now retired from the formal game, but with so many venues running unrestricted events - not to mention home games - there's a great deal to be had in this mix and it's unlikely to be a combination one's going to have a shot at all at once.

He's selling his entire set of HeroClix battlemaps and other play accessories, including action markers in two different colors (to make it easy to keep track of turns), dozens of object tokens and temporary map terrain tokens (BARRIER, SMOKE, SPECIAL) and 100+ bystanders, along with a dozen 3-D objects from both Adventure Kits and the DANGER ROOM and LEGION starter sets.

The Adventure Kit 3D objects include the indestructible dumpster, the lamppost, which deals an Incap token on top of the heavy object damage it deals in the attack, a desk to raise one's Defense by 2, a Soda Machine, which hits for a +3 Damage.etc. These have recently been retired from formal tournament play, but as mentioned many venues aren't being that strict about such things.

Maps are --

Outdoor Map 2 (construction site side A/museum exterior side B)

STAR Labs Side A/Batcave Side B

Metropolis Outdoor Side A/JLA Watchtower Side B

Shopping Mall inside A/Intersection w/Rooftops and Park Outside

Xavier’s School Outdoor A/Avengers Mansion Outdoor B

Japanese Garden Outdoor A/Secret HQ Indoor B

Avengers Mansion Indoor A/Danger Room Indoor B

Indoor Map 1 (Factory Complex w/Big Machines and Offices) A/Indoor Map 2 (House w/Pool & Garage) B

Map C Indoor (Museum w/Dinosaur Skeletons) A/Map D Outdoors (Four Adjoining Rooftops) B

Centennial Park Zoo Outdoor A/Axis Chemical Indoor B

JSA Museum Map (ORIGIN set poster on back)

Deep Space Outdoor Map (Supernova set map)

Anura Temple Outdoor (BPRD Hero/Horrorclix Map)

Institute Grounds Outdoor/Training Complex Outdoor-Indoor

Map A Indoor (Office Complex)/Map B Outdoor (Gas Station)

Map 3 Outside (Park)/Map 4 Inside (Warehouse)

Small Town (Outdoor)/Central Port (Indoor) (LEGION map).

That’s 31 MAPS!

Maps show varying amounts of wear but all are very playable.

3-D Objects are dumpster, lamp post, computer, soda machine, packing crate, mailbox, desk, bookshelf, broken assault droid, power cell, newsbot, and energy transmitter/receiver. Included is sheet from Adventure Pack explaining uses of first 8 items.

Bystander tokens include characters from both Adventure Sets, including Alfred pog with Batman TA, Mary Jane Watson-Parker with Spider-Man TA, Alicia Masters with FF TA, Jarvis with Avengers TA, and Security Guard with PD TA, any or all of which can give instant TA options to Wildcards on your unrestricted team.

The object tokens (pogs) include custom objects like Mr. Terrific’s T-spheres and Green Lantern power battery.

As mentioned up top, I wasn't asked to do this -- indeed, he didn't even mention to me that he was selling these things -- but I thought attempting to bring this to the attention of more Heroclix players would be a service to both the seller and some possible buyers.

If you have any questions for him, contact the seller through the auction on ebay.

7/16 Post script: I see it didn't go as high as I'd hoped (though I hadn't put a number to it, so that's so much smoke from me), but I don't know what the seller's target estimate was either. Such a massive lot deserved attention, though, and I'm hoping I was responsible for channeling a bidder or two that way, though I'll likely never know.

With the maps, etc. gone he's cemented his withdrawal from the game, reducing the still considerable remainder of his collection to pure decorations - something he's not enamored of, so I have little doubt that there will be more auctions up from him in the coming weeks.

Had no idea you'd done this, Mike. Thanks. Very kind of you.

As it turns out, the Map/Accessories set sale turned out to be pretty much a dog's breakfast... we had a guy from the Netherlands send us an email begging us to sell to him despite our 'U.S. sales only' policy, and he was willing to spend a little more on postage to defray those costs, and I felt sorry for him, figuring maybe it was hard for him to get materials like this over there, so we decided to do it. He drove the price up nicely for us, but we really had no idea how much postage to the Netherlands was going to run for the package, and it wound up being more than twice the amount we charged him, which really ate into my profits (such as they are, a term largely subjective anyway when you're selling off items that once gave you a great deal of pleasure).

Still, we learned a lesson, and I suppose that's always good.

Most of the rest of my clix will indeed get put up for bids over the next few months, although I may well keep a much reduced display set, made up of non rarities not worth anything, around the place. I still have three of the smaller, more recent battlemaps left yet, too (I'd laminated them at one of my temp jobs, and therefore couldn't fold them for inclusion in the set I just sold) and am perfectly capable of making my own battlemaps if necessary, so I can't rule out any and/or all clixesque activity in the future. But it's certainly been a while since I've played and I don't see a match in the offing in the reasonable future.

Thanks again for the kind attention.
You're welcome. I spotted it and decided I'd make the post and put a link to this blog in my HCR signature for whatever small attention it might bring.

Sorry to hear about the postage problem. I've gotten used to running with the weight over to whenever I get a "how much will it cost to ship to..." question, but I've also come into it knowing I'm going to sell worldwide.

So, a few of the smaller, newer, and in several respects better maps aren't bad ones to hold onto.

I haven't even gotten to open the new Fantastic Four starter maps yet, and next Monday's the Secret Invasion opener event, where I'll be getting the "crash site" map they've put out for this set. Plans to get fun games set up keep falling through mostly due to work schedules, but with a new set about to land here (released today, but my order's not arriving until tomorrow) I'll be itching to play all over again.
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