Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Free Iron Man

...this Saturday. (Edit: We-e-e-lllll it may not swing quite that way based on some late reports. It appears Diamond -- Wizkids exclusive distributor -- may have dropped the ball and some stores may not get theirs until after FCBD. Oh, those wacky scamps... Similarly, some stores may not be seeing their Anti-Monitor Action Packs this week either, despite tomorrow being the official sale date for them. Edit II: Dial added.)

Heroclix' contribution to Free Comic Book Day (May 3) will be an Iron Man piece using the sculpt from Armor Wars but with a new, 100 pt dial and SHIELD TA. It's an interesting combination, and unlike more recent FCBD pieces there's no purple ring, so it's eligible for team builds in official tournaments.

All info, along with commentary, below.

Not bad, both for 100 points and especially for a free piece. An interesting addition to SHIELD, and at least we have the Avengers connection there, too. Having Invincible pop back up in the middle of the dial is a nice touch, though one's likely to simply blow past it. A single target and the lack of Outwit or Perplex are steps back, but it's still a good set of options to have for a combat-mode Iron Man.

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