Friday, November 2, 2007

Mutations and Monsters Battlefield Conditions & 1 Object

Another preview today, it's the Battlefield Conditions and one special object.

Including the Battlefield Condition to be given out at the pre-release (fourth one down in this list) we have three BFCs to be found in boosters.

The first is the reprint of an old favorite for many players: Deep Shadows. For line of fire purposes all squares of clear terrain are considered hindering, so by itself it can be a stealthed team's dream. All ranges, including those for powers such as Outwit, Perplex and Probability Control are dropped to 6. This will be a terrific card to play with a theme team and then ignore it. A non-theme opponent will have his range chopped while you'll still be able to see clearly through the clear terrain.

Next, we have the first of the new BFCs with one old (well, middlin' at least) X-Men fans will recognize: Krakoa the Living Island.

With Krakoa in play each player can, at the end of his turn, choose to use an adjacent, unoccupied square of outdoor hindering, blocking or elevated terrain and make an attack roll with an Attack Value of 9 and a Damage of 2 against the target. The target cannot be knocked back by the attack. If the attack succeeds but the target takes no damage (if it has Invulnerability or Impervious) and has zero or one token on it, give the target an action token.

Wow! The only question I have here is if "target" offers any defense for Stealthed pieces. It's as if the terrain's come alive and made a close combat attack, so I'm thinking it won't, but we'll need an official word on that.

Next, it's Sue Richards in her bondage gear thanks to some serious tinkering by the Psychoman -- it's Malice (The Battlefield Condition.) Try to hurt your opponent or else you'll hurt yourself!

Those going to the pre-release events will receive the Planet Hulk-themed The Great Arena. Any successful attack where one rolls doubles is a critical hit. A little spice that isn't biased toward either player, but which can help provide some upsets. Cool.

An object in the set is the second (so we know there's at least one more) and it's the Shield Disruptor. Anyone within 4 spaces of this object has no damage-reducing powers. Simple and potentially deadly; place it near where one expects one's opponent's forces will try to gather as they move out onto the map. This will be an interesting one for Arcade to give marching orders to with his Murderbots power, too, come to think of it.

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