Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A little more Mutations & Monsters info

An ad/article written by brand manager Mark Tuttle.

Not necessarily much if any new information, but little confirmations here and there. Knowing there will be six Event Dials is of interest to me -- I hope that among the other card elements they've cut back enough to help these fit; the new booster design and general collation has made these sixth element bits ridiculously difficult to complete, especially if one wants to accumulate multiples of the Feats.

I'll be interested in seeing what the surprise piece "no one would ever expect to find in a Heroclix Booster" will be. Every second person guessing has come up with Howard the Duck, so it'll be amusing if that's what it turns out to be.

Roughly 30 of the pieces will be characters appearing for the first time, which means that even while many will complain about the number of "remakes" well still be seeing more new characters than we'd have been likely to see under the old REV & U 96 piece set scheme.

Some fans lashed their hopes early on to the "monsters" section of the set, wildly speculating that surely this MUST mean that every '70s monster hero/anti-hero from Werewolf By Night (and do comics fans stop to think how inane that sounds to outsiders?), Morbius and Man-Wolf to It! The Living Colossus. Indications thusfar are that they're going to be disappointed. For my part, looking at the original announcements, I expected that the "monsters" component was going to be zombies, Hulk foes and perhaps the Hulk himself, along with maybe some of the more intimidating mutants and general mutations of the Marvel U. Certainly, there's plenty of room for overlap.

Below is the scan image here, and once you click on it it'll be large and clear enough to read. (All in case the link above falters.)

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