Saturday, October 20, 2007
Starro has invaded, with this weekend marking the end of the 5-week tournament series.
I did passably well in today's event despite pulling less-than-inspiring pieces and being up against teams built from some wonderful pulls, and I had fun, but that's all over. There should be no more reasons for me to buy another booster of Justice League. I'm still missing Doomsday (a piece I'd like, but which is in no way worth the $30+ it's commanding on ebay; even half that is pushing it), and the DC One Million Superman, which I have zero interest in. As far as I'm concerned, the set's a wrap. I'll likely forget the last tinge of interest in Doomsday once I get the Mutations and Monsters Hulks, be they just the two we've seen or including a rumored third one.
Aside from the occasional LE the only hole in the sets behind me is Citizen V from Avengers, which I'll aim to trade for this side of the new year if I don't just snipe one off ebay sooner.
I traded a small pile of Justice League extras (Commons, Uncommons, Rares and one Big Barda and Mister Miracle Super Rare) for some LEs I'd been interested in, among them the Symbiote, Genis-Vell, Super-Nova and Victor Shade.
The trade was finished after the game, and then I stuck around a little while to see Andy take on Dan's (the event winner) Starro. A very fun, incredibly resilient, amazingly effective, multi-target Mind Controller. (That's Starro, not Dan, though how could we know for sure..?) This is a small colossal figure (seeming oxymoron, but "colossal" is an official size class of clix figure), on a 4-square base like the Sentinels and Dark Phoenix pieces. I will be amazed if this doesn't turn out to be the 2008 convention exclusive colossal figure; they're not going to have commissioned that sculpt and gone into production and only use them as prizes for a one-time event.
Still, that's something for 2008.
I have another post brewing as I look ahead again to the next set, but that post will have to wait.
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