Thursday, October 18, 2007

Exiles On Side-Streets

This week's also seen two other character additions to the Mutations & Monsters figure gallery which I've neglected to mention. They're both X-Men spin-off characters who are ultimately alternate universe characters who have become part of the cast of Exiles, a cross-time team that's been around long enough to have just about reached issue #100. Despite that, neither of them I've seen on a comics page, which is to say that my level of interest in them isn't especially high.

While I might go back and include pics and stats here, it's unlikely. I'll link to each and make a few comments, but that's the high water mark of my interest for them.

Earlier this week we were shown Mimic, and though this one has the same secret ID -- Calvin Rankin -- as the proper, mainstream Marvel one was, the version they chose is from another timeline and his powers operate a little differently, allowing him to retain a limited set of powers.

I've never picked up an issue of Exiles, so for the most part I'm going to be looking at this as a 616 Calvin Rankin who's very recently been near five X-Men, despite some of them not being around before he at least seemed to die. The sculpt - which I'm sure will look better in person - looks terrible. The pose is uninspired, the arms are too long, the face is horrible and the hair reminds me of working with Play Doh as a child. The special powers provide some of the versatility a character like this deserves. While not a prefect solution I'll likely swap the Mutant Mayhem version's sculpt with this one.

Today they added another Exiles member (set at #20, just ahead of Mimic) with Morph.

The closest I seem to have come to encountering this character in comics is the 616 Changeling in the '60s. A minor adversary who retroactively redeemed himself by spending what seemed to be his final days impersonating Professor X, freeing the Professor to prepare for an alien invasion. Ah, well... at least it was the same writer getting himself into a fix and then getting back out of it.

I do like that Seth saw fit to think broadly with the keywords in one respect (Avengers, Exiles X-Men - even though at least with respect to the Avengers we're talking about the Avengers of an alternate timeline), though even I'm curious why there's no "mutant" tag, unless This is one Seth's come to regret and is in the process of slowly repealing..?

Not a terrible dial for 90 points, though I know many won't want a 0 range flying brick having to make the choice between moving his AV up above 9 or his Damage above 2. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it at that point cost either, especially as this isn't a character I've been waiting for. As I have no solid connection to the character I could easily see this one sitting on the sidelines when it comes to constructed events, but we'll see. The Shape Change and two clicks of Regeneration could really pump up his longevity.

As a complete side note: Eight figures into the previews and this is the first one with only one Special Power, and that's a self-Perplex one. The first zeven we saw each had two special powers.

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