Sunday, October 28, 2007

Crisis in 2008

Geez Louise, I know we haven't even hit Halloween yet so looking to next February is like another lifetime, but leaked via the Heroclix Belgium site, we have a few items from next February's Crisis set. The sculpts, at least, generally seem very sharp.

First, we have Red Hood, an Uncommon piece apparently at 81 points, 6 range, single target, piece #1`7 from the set. As with the rest, no actual dial elements are visible, so other than him being nimble and us wondering how many of them will arrive (despite the cool, new packaging) snapped at the shoulder, there's not much to say... other than that he must be packing some interesting tricks and/or some solid stats if he's really 81 points and certainly won't be paying for any of the things a brick would. He slipped back into reality from beyond the grave, so maybe he's worth the points.

Next we have the first of three Super Rare pieces (wonderful info to have, since they are going to be the most difficult ones to find) starting with a new Black Adam.

The sculpt looks nicely done, my problems with it arising solely because of the cartoony source art. (It's really the head and face I'm having a problem with.) Yes, he's floating above a pile of skulls we've more or less seen on the Dark Beast sculpt, but Wizkids has re-used peripheral elements before.

Another zero-range monster, as we'd expect, I'm expecting much Hypersonic Speed and Super Strength and maybe a touch or two of something to reflect cunning. Whether or not this version will have Leadership, or if this is too far set into his vengeance mode to have that, is in question. He'll be strongly anticipated, especially since it appears that sanctioned events will be tightening up with respect to retirement, and the earlier versions are long retired.

While I'm not thrilled with these duos, and the late disco-era costume Nightwing's sporting remains unfortunate, this romantically-linked pair could be fun to field. It's Starfire & Nightwing.

As best I can make out it appears to be a single target and 8 range, which is something of a compromise. Still, they'll have the Duo Attack mechanic to fall back on. Considering that she flies and he's so acrobatic they should be a highly mobile pair, packing a punch and also packing at least some Outwit and Incapacitate.

Finally, at #60 in the set, we have the (a?) Monitor, (I appreciate the ambiguity, as they didn't make him a unique, so if one happened to pull two or more he could theoretically use them on the same team) complete with the Quintessense TA - giving him both built-in Willpower and immunity from Outwit. He also appears to have two targets and another of those curious (for such a cosmic type) 8 ranges.

Presumably we'll have in him much Outwit, Perplex and Probability Control as he's something of a more pro-active Watcher for the DC universe. Making him a Phasing/Teleporting Transporter would be a nice touch, but the markings on the base don't support it. I'm sure that until we see his stats the question of whether or not he'll be another Phantom Stranger will be hanging in the air.

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